The ancient Egyptian sage Sinuhi said, “Beauty dwelt in the land of Egypt, and I refused to leave it except on the wing of love.”
As usual, the ancient Egyptian civilization was a pioneer in establishing human values such as goodness and love, and established the "Maat" law, a symbol of truth and justice based on love.
Hence, the value of love became an important place in the lives of the ancient Egyptians, before the world allocated at the end of the 18th century on February 14 of each year as a day to celebrate “Valentine’s Day.”
Goddess of love and loyalty
One of the most famous and immortal pharaonic stories of love and loyalty between Isis and Osiris, which made Isis a symbol of love and loyalty. According to pharaonic myths, "Set", the brother of Osiris, put him in a coffin and threw it in the Nile. Isis kept searching for him until she found him and brought him back to life.
She bore him her son, Horus, but the second time, Set tore the body of Osiris and distributed it throughout Egypt, but his girlfriend kept searching for his body parts and was certain that he would be resurrected.
Amenhotep III and Ti
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Amenhoteb III and Ti |
He disregarded the traditions of the monarchy and decided to marry a girl who did not belong to the royal family, despite his love for women and his marriage to more than one girl, Amenhotep III (Amenophis III), who married the temptation "Ti" and immortalized the memory of his marriage to her on a large scarab and remained the most possessed To his heart, and upon his political marriage to a foreign princess after eight years of his marriage to “T”, he mentioned in the documentation of his marriage the name “T” and the name of her mother and father, as if he was saying that she was present even in another document, and she was the only woman he could not forget, and he also broke the rules The pharaohs again erected a number of statues of her next to him of the same size, despite the fact that artistic conventions indicated that women are smaller than men.
He did not stop at all that had passed, but also built a beautiful ornate palace for her that includes a number of halls and carved columns, and he also dug for her a large lake in the desert to have fun with her golden boat, a feature he did not give to others, and although he insisted on seeking foreign girls from the kings of Babylon and Mitanni even They reached hundreds. She lived in control of everything, and bestowed royal titles on her, although she was not from a royal family. Rather, he deified her next to him during his life and ordered the construction of a temple of her own and called it "the Temple of Amenhotep, the Lord of Nubia and his beloved Ti." The temple is currently located in the Soleb area of Nubia.
The martyr of love in the mountain tuna
Love was not limited to kings and princes. She was the beautiful martyr of love, “Azadora,” who her father lamented in a great poem. She loved the Egyptian “Hapi,” and her father rejected that unequal love from his point of view. On one occasion, while she was going to meet her lover, she drowned in the river, so her father built a large tomb for her in the Tuna al-Jabal area in Minya and placed her body on a bed.
After her death, Habi insisted that he walk for her every day 8 kilometers from Ashmount in the west of the Nile to the mountain in the east to light a candle on her grave, and the Dean of Arabic literature, Taha Hussein, loved her after knowing her story, so he built a rest stop for him next to her grave and used to light candles as her lover did.
The poet's menkaure
The other legendary story recorded by the third pyramid is of King Menkaure of the Fourth Dynasty during the Old Kingdom.
And Menkaure lived a legendary story with the second Princess Khamarnabti, where he used to write poetry, as she was also flirting with it.
royal court singer
Another story was embodied on the walls of the tomb of the royal court singer "Kahai" in Saqqara of the Fifth Dynasty and his priestess wife, looking her in the eyes and saying to her, "Look at me, my lady and my beloved.
Ahmose's mother
The eternal love story between Queen Ahhotep and Seqenenre represents the most important stories in the era of the Hyksos invasion because of the greatness of passion and the symbolism of politics at the same time, especially as she helped her husband expel the Hyksos from Egypt and when her husband was killed she helped her son "Kamis" to complete his father's path until he was killed, too. She decided to pay her second son, Ahmose I, who was able to avenge his father and brother and expel the Hyksos from Egypt.
The importance of the love story of Hatshepsut in her temple, which was designed for her by her lover, the engineer Senmut, who fell in love with her and designed her famous temple in Deir al-Bahari and her cemetery, as she loved him with great love and entrusted him with raising her daughter and allowed him to sculpt some statues while embracing her daughter and also allowed him to build his tomb within the scope of her temple. And the work of a corridor linking his tomb and hers.
However, this love was not completed, as the responsibility of the ruling and her pride prevented her from completing this love, and we will die from her life after a great story, and his fate has not yet been identified.
She captivated the heart of everyone who saw her, so that Hitler was fascinated by her statue, Akhenaten described her as "beautiful charms and sweetness of love" and named her the heir even though she was of "non-royal blood". She is Nefertiti who supported Akhenaten and supported him in his struggle with the priests of Amun, and even moved To live with him in the new capital and remained patient despite the change of religion and homeland, so he was keen to immortalize her through statues and sculptures of the same height in her honor.
goddess of love
Ramses II built a temple for her next to his temple in Abu Simbel. His nickname was the goddess of love, the beautiful and charming Nefertari, who appeared in all his statutes and the inscriptions of his temples next to him or next to his leg supporting him.
the killing love
A story sung by poets and became one of the most important plays and the most important symbols of love. It is the love story of Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen of Greek origin, Egyptian passion and upbringing. Its entire story took place on the land of Egypt and Mark Antony, who stabbed himself with a sword when he learned of the death of his beloved died in her arms, so she decided to commit suicide with the poison of the snake and we were buried together.
dwarf and princess
In the era of the Fourth Dynasty, he was one of the dwarves called "Sanab" who was loved by one of the princesses of the family and married him and gave birth to a boy and a girl despite his palace and appears in his statue while she is embracing him while he is crouched and his children under his feet in a scene that confirmed the breaking of the class barrier in ancient Egypt.